Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Very Late Post

Finished monster, sorry it is sidways.
Hello my patient readers, forgive me! It has been awhile since I have posted. Unfortunately my free time has gotten away with me. I work at a elementary school and it has been out for two weeks. Two weeks of doing nothing. Well not entirely "nothing," my house is in the middle of an upstairs renovation which has taken lots of time.  We have been building walls, reinforcing the ceiling and have started on the insulation, which is a very itchy experience! I also have taken a little bit of time to clean house cause it has gotten rather dirty since the long winter. Besides our house, another building project we have been apart of, is helping my family build a cabin, to share, on my grandparents farm. It has also taken lots of time to get it built and ready to use. I have helped in the mudding of the walls as well as putting up some of the drywall. But the whole family has helped in the process. Yet, it still has much to get done, the latest I have done with that is to polyurethane the ceiling boards and sanding after.
Trendy scarf
 Despite my busyness I have caught up with my crocheting. I have finished my green monster, all in two afternoons! One afternoon crocheting ears and legs then assembling the ears a top of the "head" and the next afternoon placing the legs. It was nice on one of the real warm days to sit outside and finsih my project. Since I've been "away" I have started crocheting a trendy white scarf. Which is coming along nicely and I hope to be done with it soon. I think next on my list of things to do will be:

1.Start baby blanket
2. finish monkey
3. start/finish a yellow monster
4. start/finish a group of penguins

Yarn for baby blankets.

The baby blanket is almost priority at this point. I technically would like to make two, if at all possible. I have pregnant co-worker and I wouldn't mind giving her one. Next to that, my sister-in-law Allison is also pregnant and I would also like to make one for her. I have chosen some of my yarn already, but I don't think I have enough. Especially if I'm going to make two. I'd also rather make a "neutral" baby blanket, even if both women decide to know what is coming and I hear what that is. Then they may be able to use it for another baby if they happen to decide to have another one! (Both women are on their second). In the monkey spectrum, I have enough Caron yarn to finish it. The penguin now is all set to go, it also is using Caron yarn. So its really just a waiting game for those particular projects. The penguins are also gifts. They will be given to my nephew Cassius who has recently been in love with penguins after watching a movie and the other one will be for my little brother Tanner. He LOVES penguins and I thought it would be neat if he had a little penguin to sit on his desk at work. I hope I finish all these projects I have in mind. But it will be a wonderful journey working with the yarn and  learning how to crochet each animal. I hope life doesn't get in the way too much, but it can happen!

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