Monday, January 28, 2013

Crocheted Pig and Desserts!

My one resolution for the new year is to finish the baby gifts for my Sunday school class. They have been waiting long enough...even though they don't really know its coming.

Of the twenty-eight I am to create and finish I have completed all of twenty! The current additions to my little collection include a pig, flan, cake and a mug of hot chocolate.

Flan, hot chocolate and cake!

 These were very fun to create. Especially the dessert items. When I saw them in Amigurumi Toy Box I was excited about making them, but they were not in my original plan when I started making the animals.

But in life plans change! The little pig I made was in the plan, cause when I saw the picture of him in the book I could not wait to pull out my hook and start crocheting. 

He didn't turn out super great, but he still is cute! In his silly sort of way.
I am a pig.

The next animals on the list will be a set of koalas, a Boston Terrier (at least I think I'll make him) and a horse. Course there will be a few more added to the list, its just as far as I have gotten.
When all is said and done, I think the book will be up for a review. I'm sure you all will enjoy reading one, due to the amount of page views I received from my last review.

Well I will catch you all later!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Little Christmas Cheer/New Year's

A Few Days Before Christmas.....
It's official! It is the last week before Christmas and you can bet we are all a flurry in anticipation and shopping and preparing presents for the tree!

I love the decorations on my mantle this year. My mom helped me find these delightful shimmery pine bows complete with pine cones. Also we added some shimmery leaves in one of my homemade clay pieces from high school.

I think it looks great! I guess the only thing is missing are some stockings. That would most definitely complete the mantle.

I finished my father's scarf last week along with the last dress I had planned to make, the last (crochet) project on the list was a cardigan and it is well on its way to be completed, even though the crochet itself isn't finished.

Dad's Scarf
Other projects that need done aren't crochet. I need to tie some blankets together and then wrap them up!

P.S. Cardigan was finished quickly and beautifully! As were the blankets, with help from my husband.

New Year's and After Christmas. . .
Well, after taking about a day and a half break from crochet, I hit the crochet grindstone again.

My poor projects have been waiting on the back burner and needing to be finished. So I took up my hook and started crocheting some squares!!! Squares for my queen size may remember them from past posts.

The squares were a relaxing way to get back into the casual, no-rush crochet...that honestly, I like the best.
 I also decided, from now on only two projects at a time. So that will be finishing the fourteen more animals and the blanket for our bed.

Not that I don't have a list of projects in mind for the coming year........ A few of the things on my list are: making socks, zig-zag shawl for my writing room and finding some way to use up my flat abundance of baby yarn....maybe another smaller blanket would do.

Well, that is what I have, I hope this finds you starting off a great year!! I