Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Month Off

To my dear blog readers, please forgive me for my over-a-month absence. Things just got crazy with my family and with my crochet.

First I got commissioned to make necklaces for my workplace. My workplace, Farmer's Daugther's Market holds the ideal that people still make homemade things like crocheted items, quilts, wall hangings and various other household/accessories for one's person and one's home.
So my boss asked me to crochet some necklaces. I made a few for her to sell. I thought they turned out great. She is selling them at the store and someone has purchased two! I hope the wave catches on!

I am currently still working on some necklaces she especially requested  and  saw on Etsy. I am hoping to have them to her soon.

Then my immediate family went into a somersault. So I had to rush home to comfort my family in the only way I knew, which was to pray for them and visit them in their need. We are all slowly healing, but it is still a long road of healing especially for my father and mother.

Cotton Lover's Necklace from Etsy
Well, all in all I have been busy, I finished crocheting one dress for a niece and am still working on those necklaces, which really should be completed this week.

Lariat Necklace with Shamrocks
Well, wish me luck for my final push to Christmas!!!

P.S. The last two pictures are the completed necklaces that my boss wanted me to make. They turned out pretty good. She especially like the Cotton Lover's Necklace. No sales yet!