It has taken some time, but I have completed a beautiful bedspread!!
I'm sure you remember the squares and strips that I created to form this beautiful afghan/bedspread.
I love how it looks on our bed! Its complete with matching (or close to matching) pillow shams.
Throw pillows! |
Since we've been using it, it has been more than comfortable to have as a summer bedspread. Ben enjoys it too because it's not as heavy as other comforter/bedspreads can be.
I also found some throw pillows for a decent price at Tuesday Morning. The orange one is from a garage sale...sometimes it's fun to look at garage sales for those hidden deals.
If you want to do this sort of project for yourself, don't be afraid! It takes time, but you are sure to get the colors and the pattern you really want for your bedspread.
Matching pillow shams. |
It was a good relaxing project, but it may be sometime before I take one like that on again. Well, until next time! Bye.
Well it seems that the summer and almost the fall has gotten away with me. But my family faced a large change.
Our beautiful son was born on August 20! He came a wee bit earlier than expected (at least in my mind) and on time everywhere else.
It has been a joy so far to raise a little boy, course he is still just a baby.It has been a large change and no one can tell you how big a change until it happens.
Just now I am getting used to the feedings (as I am nursing) and some late nights. But he has been a good baby for the adjustment.
He sleeps, he eats and he is happy!!! All good things for a new mama!
I am going to keep up with this blog as best I can. Learn to balance life and new baby. It is possible!
I hope you all can continue to join me on this journey of new motherhood. I will continue to crochet, cook and try to review some books. Thanks for stopping by.