Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ideas on How to Use Scraps

Of late, I have been obsessing over getting projects out of my way, all in pursuit of doing new ones of course. In my obsession, I have finished that wonderful scrap blanket mentioned in my January 29 post.

It looks pretty good and despite my husband's first reluctance about it, he has grown to enjoy all the colors that fit together and not quite fit together. I had hoped it would finish off a lot of my did and didn't.

 So with THAT left over yarn I produced this rug...which is nice, but I think I might donate it to my family's cabin. It is more rustic looking then I imagined. But I guess that is what you get.

The rug was a great scrap user, because at the end of making the scrap blanket, I had long pieces of yarn that could be used for something but would not fit in the hexagonal motif of the blanket. They fit seamlessly into the rug.

Well, as I am writing this post, I am meandering through my old pictures, remembering what all has taken "scraps." Cause what does one do with all that yarn that is left over from say a lovely gray blanket? Or from that cute stuffed bear that you made?

Crochet Today! has made a great effort in showing examples of what to do.Both the scrap blanket and the rug came from two different Crochet Today! magazines. But, a few of my other projects were easy scrap users.

Remember those cute bunnies I made for babies that were coming soon? All of the yarn used in those rabbits were from my stash, essentially the yarn I didn't know what else to do with. The other amigurumi that I made with "scraps" are the lions I made for my cousin's baby.

Hmmm one other thing that used my "scraps" are the flannel receiving blankets. I don't recall ever purchasing any MORE yarn to trim the edges of the blankets.

So, to recap all the great "scrap" users: rug, hexagonal blanket, amigurumi and trimmed receiving blankets.

I'm sure there are more "scrap" users that I am not aware of. But don't be afraid to use those yarns you're not sure what to do with. They can produce great projects.

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