Aw shucks, now they need to be crocheted look at the pattern and carefully crochet your squares together. It goes faster then you fast you continue until there are rows...then the makings of a blanket...then it is a "blanket."
I must say, I have never been so happy to crochet something together. I was ready to get up and dance because it was nearly finished! I believe this has been the longest process EVER for me to make a blanket. Past ventures with granny squares were light occurrences. I mean, the project I did so long ago in High School seemed like a pleasure and a delight to create. This project on the other hand seemed to weigh on me. I wonder if it is the deadline that I was so confident in completely blowing out of the water and the fact I was going to make ANOTHER one ALSO on a deadline. Looking at how fast it was assembled and with the border well on its way to be complete, I think I will be just fine in finishing two blankets on deadline.
There is the problem of wanting to make more items. More delightful projects even though you already have a line up clear till next winter. I found a neat necklace I want to try to make. It is just a touch harder than what I have done before..its ranked in the intermediate range. Yet, I still have a scarf waiting to be finished and a monster still to crochet. Of course, I have another blanket before all that can be completed.
I think I need to slow down and take a look at what I NEED to get done. That is one way to say it. I want to complete these projects and give them as gifts. I can't wait to see the faces of those who will recieve them! I hope they will be as delighted as I was to make them. Well, its good bye for now. See you next time.
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