After sewing flora wire into the stem I realized that it would be good to sew it in before washing it. The fabric shrunk some and required some squeezing to get the stem to look good. I also decided the best way to sew the stem together was just more yarn. It was easier to handle and made it look ten times better than just ordinary thread.
I made a little one for my antique cat on my mantle and a larger one just to display. I think it looks pretty. They would be good gifts for people who like flowers.
The pin turned out well too. I look forward to giving it to the person I made it for. The buttons were easily purchased at Wal-Mart and made the pin look smart. I could see it on a black winter coat or a purple one.
I purchased pin backs at Michael's and sewed them on with thread. I sewed the buttons on with thread as well. I used the picture in the book for reference for the button placement.
I still have quite a bit of yarn and might make a few more. Just to have as gifts as the need arises.
I think felting is a worthy practice and a look forward to more in the future!