Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Hope

The sun has been shining for several days now. It has been a great refresher to the dreary winter months that have passed. This year we have been blessed with an early spring.

I am thankful for the blue sky.

. . the blooming flowers

. . .the thoughts of new seedlings that will be planted

. . .the green grass

. . .the awesome sun
. . .a corner full of projects ready to be finished

Life is good and there is no other way to get around it! I have hope that Spring will continue to be hopeful and full of sunshine and happiness!


Friday, March 9, 2012

All A-Twitter

Arn't these just the sweetest birds? I just made them over the weekend. I found them in my old faithful Crochet Today! circa (lol) Decmeber 2010.

I just could not resist making they will go a mother-to-be and will be adoring animals for the baby when it arrives. At least that's what I hope.
 They remind me of Spring as well. What I would give for warm, sunny weather! Of late we've had a couple of sunny days, but they have been coupled with cold weather. Blah. And today, it decides to rain!!! Lovely.

It's about time to start a new project. This blanket is going slow...and I don't think the colors help my winter mood. Then again the blanket is almost done, I should just get on with it and keep at it, so it can be over. It was fun at first and I'm sure I'll enjoy it more, once I start putting it together, but it just keeps going and going.
Maybe I'll start the pillows I've been needing to make for some time. The couch in the basement is in desperate need of some fun, colorful pillows. It might even brigthen my mood!

Well, I must be off. Talk to you soon.
Gray weather
P.S. If you live in Iowa....this only lasted about one more week......